Thoughts on a Monday

Is This Another Week, or Is This the Week I Have My Shit Together? Time Will Tell.

Heather Lynne Sparks


Three out of four siblings waiting at the bus stop. Twin B is wearing her Minnie Mouse beanie with last year’s too-small jacket. Seven-year old has a first grade smile. Eleven-year old has pants that are too big. Twin A is still sleeping. Gratitude for Twin A.

How many loads of laundry until I’m caught up for 12 hours? Approximately four, not including folding the wrinkled clothes left overnight in the dryer.

Wake up progeny. Beg 11-year old to eat more than a granola bar for breakfast. Remind him to return overdue…



Heather Lynne Sparks

Bibliotherapist. Tired but hopeful mother of four. Former high school English teacher and gifted education specialist who spills her guts right here.